Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ESPN 360 Is Killing My Productivity

Not that I had that much to begin with. Finding out that the Ohio State network supports was probably the worst thing I could learn, but being able to follow the UEFA Champions league matches while I am sitting in the basement at work is a pretty exciting development. Also my college basketball watching is going to increase as I will be able to watch the early week night games while I am finishing up work for the day. Even better anything you miss you can watch later using the DVR like capabilities of ESPN360.

The only problem so far is the same 5 commercials over and over and over.

So hopefully where ever you are your network allows you to tap into the amazing potential that is

1 comment:

Dennymayo said...

The Terps subscribe.

Good news is I've shown this to my Indian co-worker, and he'll be watching cricket all day every day now.

At least I won't be the only one wasting my life away because of this.