Coors Light

You may ask why during championship week is Coors Light the beer of the week? The reason is because I searched high and low (18 seconds) for a beer sign that included something about Ohio. Plus look at the colors of the can...

Anyhow being that it is Championship day and if your job does not mind you showing up a few hours late and being less than productive tomorrow, you should be consuming mass quantities of beer, so it might as well be cheap. For the record Coors light comes in a tall slender can that is notorious for screwing up a perfectly constructed beeramind, why can Coors not conform to the rest of the world so that drunken amateur engineers can have their fun?
Anyhow, wherever you are enjoy the BCS Championship Game (if you can stay up that long) and after Ohio State wins, stash away some bail money so you can come get me out in the morning.
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