
Peroni will always hold a special place in my world. From now on when I drink Peroni I will be required to tell the tale of the stolen cell phone. I will now share the abridged version. A friend of mine (who will remain nameless*) steals some random girls cell phone while walking down High street after a night of drinking**. It just happens that now he is talking to this girls father who is not happy that some drunken idiot has taken his daughters phone, I am almost certain every 5th word was a profanity. We hang out with said girl for some amount of time at some unknown location in the greater south campus area. By the end of the night, my friend has this girls number in his phone and proceeds to have a long drawn out conversation (via text message) over the course of three weeks, until we finally go to Olive Garden, where she is a waitress. Now keep in mind we have no idea what this girl looks like^ and all we know is her first name.
Well now obviously the rest of the night is a complete train wreck. Being that I am there in only a wingman capacity I can just sit back, have a Peroni (or two... fine four) and enjoy the show.
I know that this is not a very complete story, but for me to do justice to the extent of the events that took place on this fateful night I will need to be having a beer. So next time you see me buy me a Peroni and I will share the epic tale of the OG.
*for now
**excessive drinking (OSU championship night)
^ we both have an idea, but the are conflicting opinions
1 comment:
Way to go, Donny Whistles
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