Thursday, June 14, 2007

U.S. Open

I have really enjoyed all the talk this week about a score of +10 or greater possibly winning the open. I enjoy when the best pros have to struggle to make par, I have to struggle to make par every time I play so 4 days a year they should have to as well. I keep hearing quotes about the players not caring if it is hard they just care if it is unfair. I am not sure what that means; as long as everyone is playing the same course it is fair. It is not like there is a windmill on the third green that is going to block half the putts. If the greens won't hold your wedges from 120 yards like you are used to find a different way to get the ball close to the hole. These are the 156 best players in the world they should be able to get creative (I prefer a low hooked punch driver from 170 under a group of trees and skipped over a small creek, but that's just me).

The other quotes I have heard from the players deal with the fans wanting to see good golf. That is a cover for them wanting to play an easy course. I have not talked to one person who would be disappointed with a very high winning score. I think watching them get creative and pull off almost impossible shots to save bogey is much more entertaining than watching everyone throw darts at pins make 24 birdies in four days. My reason for this is that most people can relate to that miracle shot that can save a hole. When is that last time you made 5 birdies in a row?

My prediction is that the winning score is better than last years +5, but for every stroke higher I will enjoy it that much more. Oh, and for those Tiger vs. the field people: I'll give you Tiger and 4.

(Update: For those of you at work who can't watch. Here is the ESPN live Blog.)

(Update 2: Even better: webcast from

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